Mission: Enjoy Life

Hey Guys,

In an effort to enjoy life more… I thought I’d share some of my favorite recent outings with you. Here are some pics and videos from my adventures…It’s not much but I’m used to working and coming home so this is huge for me.


My mom and I saw the Mystics at the Verizon Center at the beginning of the month. I know, I probably should’ve been at the Wizard’s play off games if I was really trying to mingle but a girl works long hours so I’m happy to get out when I do. As we were leaving, these guys were playing the drums. It was so fun!! It felt like a whole other event. I haven’t been dancing in awhile so excuse all of the movement.

That was actually a couple of weeks ago, then my mom and went out again right before Mother’s day to the Smithsonian for an event held by my job. We people watched majority of the time but it was so much fun. My mom is hilarious!!


Then last night Jen had tickets to the Nationals game so we invited Sabrina. I was super excited for 2 of my bffs to meet (I know you probably think I have a lot of bffs; I have a tribe. You guys will meet them soon) Last night was freezing but we enjoyed ourselves and the Nats won!!



Hope you guys liked the post and if you have any suggestions about where we should go next let me know in the comments section.

bitmoji-20170525031358Beebz ❤

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